Werkstatt der Politischen Ökonomie
Ideen und Theorien
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Anwendung und Gegenstand
last update 11. August 2003 by Thomas D.
Die Ideen und Theorien der politischen Ökonomie versuchen die Komplexität der wirtschaftlichen Ereignisse und Phänomene kausal zu erklären, indem vereinfachende Modelle, Theorien, Gesetze und Thesen über die Wirklichkeit gemacht werden.
Ideen und Theorien
Geschichte der ökonomischen Ideen
Theorien des mainstreams
(Neoklassik, Neoliberalismus, AS-AD, etc.)
Marxismus und Postkeynesianismus
Alternative, Heterodoxes u. Neues
Neue Wirtschaftssoziologie 
Post-Autistic Economics
Neue Politische Ökonomie
Evolutionary Economics



Politische Ideen
Politische Ökonomie Webseite
URPE Radikale Pol. Öko USA http://www.urpe.org/
Webpage Elisabeth Dunn
Links Foreign Policy
Polanyi, Karl
Theorien Internat Beziehung (inkl. Globus Model)
Verschiedene AutorInnen
Leslie Sklair
Assembling For Development : The Maquila Industry In Mexico And The United States / Leslie Sklair  c1989
                  BUSINESS; HD9734.M43 M497 1989

Capitalism And Development / edited By Leslie Sklair  1994
                  NORLIN; HB501 .C24226 1994

Maquiladoras : Annotated Bibliography And Research Guide To Mexico's In-Bond Industry, 1980-1988 / Leslie Sklair, With The Assistance Of Karen J. Lindvall And K C Moore Harris  1988
                  BUSINESS; Z7165.M45S56 1988

Sociology Of The Global System / Leslie Sklair  1991
                  BUSINESS; HD2755.5 .S565 1991

Sociology Of The Global System / Leslie Sklair  1995
                  BUSINESS; HD2755.5 .S565 1995

The Transnational Capitalist Class / Leslie Sklair  2001
                  NORLIN; HB501 .S619 2001

Polanyi, Karl

Politische Ideen

Politische Ökonomie Webseite

URPE Radikale Pol. Öko USA http://www.urpe.org/

Webpage Elisabeth Dunn
Links Foreign Policy
Theorien Internat Beziehung (inkl. Globus Model)


Get involved in one of the organizations that is working on shifting our economic
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Web: www.thealliancefordemocracy.org

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NY 10004; 212/269-9550;
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web: www.sanetwork.org




Entwicklung - Sozialer Wandel - Development
                     Portes, Alejandro (1997), Neoliberalism and the Sociology of
                     Development: Emerging Trends and Unanticipated Facts,' Population and
                     Development Review, 23,2:229-59.
                     This article reviews sociological theories of development and their
                     predictive successes and failures. An alternative set of propositions
                     based on recent sociological theories of the economy is advanced.

Verschiedene AutorInnen
Leslie Sklair
Assembling For Development : The Maquila Industry In Mexico And The United States / Leslie Sklair  c1989
                  BUSINESS; HD9734.M43 M497 1989

Capitalism And Development / edited By Leslie Sklair  1994
                  NORLIN; HB501 .C24226 1994

Maquiladoras : Annotated Bibliography And Research Guide To Mexico's In-Bond Industry, 1980-1988 / Leslie Sklair, With The Assistance Of Karen J. Lindvall And K C Moore Harris  1988
                  BUSINESS; Z7165.M45S56 1988

Sociology Of The Global System / Leslie Sklair  1991
                  BUSINESS; HD2755.5 .S565 1991

Sociology Of The Global System / Leslie Sklair  1995
                  BUSINESS; HD2755.5 .S565 1995

The Transnational Capitalist Class / Leslie Sklair  2001
                  NORLIN; HB501 .S619 2001



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